Monday, March 11, 2013

Time Travel Possible In Star Wars Episode VII?

So waaaay back in May of 2011 Lucasfilm revealed that Star Wars would be coming to Blu-ray in September of that year.  In September, when the blu rays were released, Lucasfilm also announced that the Prequels would be coming to theaters in 3D starting with Episode I in Feb. 2012.  In one of his interviews concerning the 3D movies George Lucas explained that he had been also working on a Live Action Star Wars television series that he didnt think would ever make it to completion.

         So in Feb of 2012 I did a little digging around on the interwebs and found an article about the Live Action series and how 50 scripts had been developed by various well known and talented screen writers.   Star Wars Live-Action TV: Time Travel A Possibility   "Daniel tells us that one of the series' first episodes will involve a group of bandits acquiring the capability of time travel, and using it to travel back in time to stop Darth Vader from ever existing."  Not much more was said about the Live Action Series other than a few names on a list of who had written a script and how bad ass it would be if they could really make this series come to fruition.  Ronald D Moore was mentioned as one and I cant really remember any of the others as I was in the middle of my fourth watch through of the Battlestar Galactica series and focused on only that name.

            Yes, it's been a part of the expanded universe stories, but time travel has never been a part of any George Lucas-produced Star Wars story so far.  (Unless you really want to get technical and discuss the Han Solo frozen in carbonite time travel experience. Or Hyperspace travel.)

           So fast forward to October 2012.  George Lucas drops the bombshell that he's selling the Franchise to Disney and that we shouldnt worry cause there will be another Trilogy focused after the death of Darth Vader and yadda, yadda, Skywalker family.   Then they pick Michael Arndt to write the script for Episode VII.  Nobody knows who the hell he is.  "Dont fret", says Kathleen Kennedy the newly appointed chosen one to helm the Lucasfilm franchise. "Michael Ardnt has written Little Miss Sushine and Toy Story 3, we are confident that he will do a great job writing the script that George Lucas has outlined for him and has the power to veto anything he doesnt like in the script".  Um, ok...

             So fast forward to 2013.  J.J. Abrams was asked by Kathleen Kennedy and company to take the directors chair for Episode VII.  We all know Abrams from the Star Trek reboot wherein Spock TRAVELS THROUGH TIME to defeat Nero.  I know Abrams from the Lost series wherein the survivors of Flight 815 TRAVEL THROUGH TIME in order to get off the island in the end.  I also know Abrams from an equally short lived television series called Fringe where almost all the main characters TRAVEL THROUGH TIME or interact with themselves in an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE in order to change the events that have come upon them from the bad decision of travelling to an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE and TRAVELLING THROUGH TIME.  So, Abrams declines the offer claiming his contract with the Star Trek franchise but George throws up a Jedi Mind Trick and brings him on board.

         Fast forward to Feb 2013.  Speculation for the Director for Episode VIII is Alfonso Cuarón.  The Mexican director is most famous to the masses for his contribution to the Harry Potter movie franchise with The Prisoner of Azkaban.  The Prisoner of Azkaban is the only movie in the Harry Potter franchise that has a TIME TRAVEL element within the story.
Star Wars: Episode VIII May Get Director Alfonso Cuaron?

So I think we all know what I'm getting at here.

 Here is some more food for thought.  This is an article from 2010 about GEORGE LUCAS BUYING THE RIGHTS TO DEAD ACTORS with the notion to produce films using their resurrected likenesses.

Not only are they putting TIME TRAVEL in place they will also be able to bring back those that have died like Alec Guinness and those that die in the future.  So 50 years from now you will possibly still be staring at a young Mark Hammill and a young Carrie Fischer.

They did a good job of pulling this off in Tron: Legacy bringing back Jeff Bridges in his prime in all his glorious CGI.

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